[Bibby Pilates] What kind of exercise is good for arthritis that causes severe winter pain?

Hello, this is BB Pilates. 🙂

As the weather gets colder, many people will have a hard time, but the hardest part is arthritis patients. I think that’s why ligaments and muscles around the joints contract as the temperature drops

Arthritis can happen to anyone who must be on their guard because every time you move a joint, the cartilage inside the joint is shocked, and the more you use it, the less your joints wear. You don’t use joints often, and even if you start using them, you have to use them in a way that minimizes the impact on the joints to keep them healthy!
Strengthening the muscles around your joints is also an effective way!
It helps you share the burden on your joints while strengthening the muscles around your joints!
Also, softening the muscles around your joints while stretching is a way to reduce pain!
It is recommended to train the muscles around the joint by exercising steadily so that it does not strain the joint.

▷ “Walking” and “Indoor Bicycle Riding” walking, which are good for arthritis, are exercises that even people with small muscle mass can easily do, but even if you walk 5 to 7 days a week, the muscles and ligaments around the knee joint become stronger!
Riding an indoor bicycle is also good, but strengthening the thigh and calf muscles that support the upper and lower knees can effectively protect knee cartilage!
At this time, you should walk for 20-40 minutes and cycle for about 20 minutes

▷ If you can easily push the towel in the room, you can press the towel to move the room, and then press the towel and then press the towel to the second hand.In this time, please pull the toes and the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow!
The operation of the body, pressing towel is stimulates the four muscles before the thigh, and strengthen the inner wide muscle of the thigh.Please go to three sets of knee pain in seven times a set!
Because of the knee joints, it is the most important thing, I can’t do not have to do it.But there is a pain in the winter, but it hurts more painful, but it’s more serious exercise!
I will do not force yourself!
50m NAVER CERORP./ OpenStetMap map datax NAVERC, and OpenStresetMap map controller legend, and the same time, etcBB Pilates, 115 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, B1F처출 : https://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2023/01/18/2023011802165.html